From the EastWell, here we are June 2020. Are we going to open or stay closed? Who knows? Let us keep our fingers crossed. If you stop and think about this situation it is scary. We stay at home and folks are passing away; we open the economy and folks are going to pass away. Not a particularly good outcome either way. We must stay positive. Too much thought on this conundrum and you’ll go crazy. So, what to do? Wear your mask while shopping and when around other people and wear your gloves when out touching shopping carts, store entrance door handles and credit card machines. (Lynn and I went to a produce stand in Dixon and they even sprayed my credit card with disinfectant!) You will notice we have a tentative schedule for June. This is tentative. It all depends on the Grand Master, when he thinks it is safe for us to meet again. We do not know what parameters will be, but there will be some changes, I am sure. We must protect those who are vulnerable in out lodge. I do hope this “stay at home” order ends soon; my “honey doo” list is getting shorter. We are now down to alphabetizing our recipe book and arranging our photo albums by date. My closet is clean and neat, and I can now find whatever I look for. My sock drawer is arranged by color and I’ve found I have an abundance of old shaving soap with applicator brushes. I have finally located my team rosters, score cards and team motivational notes from when I was managing Little League. How many times can you reorganize your Masonic pins? This just cannot go on much longer. I hope this Trestleboard finds you and your family well and safe. Faternaly, Tom Tompkins, Master From the WestIt has been a while from our last meeting for sure everyone is wondering when we can see each other again. A lot of people were affected of this epidemic. I encouraged everyone to reach out in time of needs and for our brothers to be sensitive to help our brothers and sisters in our community for any possible means that we can. We are approaching a new normal in our community, social distancing is necessary and proper precautions not to get sick. As soon as we hear news from our grand master and have go signal to open again, we will comply and observe what is needed for us to gather safely. We are all informed what is needed to be done but need to enhance more and remind each other what to do in order to protect our vulnerable elders. Masking will be needed access to sanitizer and frequent hand washing and proper etiquettes each time someone sneeze or cough. Please I advise everyone that has symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of breath or any people that has contact or exposure with COVID-19 to stay home. May God bless us all and hope everyone is well. Fraternally, Julius Cadorna, Senior Warden From the SouthThe lodge is on lock down at this time with no Masonic functions going on. There will have to be a new normal when we get back to work. During this stressful time, we need to look at who needs comfort and assistance within our lodge and out. Brothers we all need to give from our hearts with the charity that is within us. We miss the hugs, handshakes and fellowship and wish you all health and that you stay safe. Until our Grand Master gives us the OK to go back to lodge it is imperative that you follow the guidelines by isolating, wearing masks, gloves when needed and using hand sanitizing, and also washing your hands. Fraternally, Robert Henning, Junior Warden From the HallboardHello there, May is here, and we have no meetings scheduled at the lodge. All our tenants are not meeting as well. We had the carpets cleaned in the lodge room, library, and Secretary’s office. Other than that, things are incredibly quiet. Hopefully, by the time you read this article the 8 refrigerators will be cleaned and delivered to Magalia for the Camp Fire victims. Brother Bob Jackson is still coming to the lodge several times a week just to check on the premises, get the mail and do some secretarial duties. Thank you, Bob. These are different times; I am sure this difficult period in our lives will be etched in our collective memories forever. Please remember, this situation is not permanent. Be patient when you are feeling alone, reach out and call a Brother, or call me. We will get through this together. Fraternally, Tom Tompkins, PM Hall Board President From the Secretary's DeskComments are closed.
January 2025