From the East![]() Brethren and Ladies, trying to find the right words to express my feelings is next to impossible. May will be the second month that we have not had our stated meeting and dinner, our wonderful lodge breakfast, there have been no practices, no coaching sessions, no nothing. When you see everyone almost on a daily or at least a weekly basis you take for granted the relationships that you have with the ladies, officers, and brethren of our lodge. It is a special feeling to be associated with the great folks in our organization, I deeply miss that. Not being able to hug grandchildren is tough. Thank goodness for Face Time and Zoom. I am sure that younger families with small children are feeling the pressure of having the children home 24/7. If there were computers and home study when I was in school, it would have saved me many visits to the woodshed to receive my paddling from the Vice Principal. Oh well, times have changed and will continue to change I believe this virus has made us all more aware of our surroundings and the consequences of being quarantined. Please be safe and stay healthy, hopefully the June Trestleboard will bear some better news. Fraternally, Tom Tompkins, Master From the South![]() The lodge is on lockdown at this time with no Masonic functions going on. There will have to be a new normal when we get back to work. During this stressful time, we need to look at who needs comfort and assistance within our lodge and out. Brothers we all need to give from our hearts with the charity that is within us. We miss the hugs, handshakes and fellowship and wish you all health and that you stay safe. Until our Grand Master gives us the OK to go back to lodge it is imperative that you follow the guidelines by isolating, wearing masks, gloves when needed and using hand sanitizing, and also washing your hands. Fraternally, Robert Henning, Junior Warden Member RestorationThe Member Restoration effort aims to restore many of the 40,000 men on our rosters who have been suspended for non-payment of dues. Many members who have been suspended because of this reason are often not aware that they've been suspended, have been unable to pay because of hardship, or have not been in contact with their lodges in a long while. Overwhelmingly, the vast majority of these suspended masons wanted to find a way to again be in good standing with our fraternity. Our lodge has been able to encourage 9 Masons to return to our rolls as active members, some are out of our area, but this may help them to connect with lodges in their own areas. Bob Jackson, Secretary Hallboard |
February 2025